2012 Recipients

2012 Florence Gouthro Memorial Volunteer of the Year Recipient

Mayor MacKinnon & members of the Gouthro Family present the 2012 Volunteer of the Year Award to Dianne Williams.

2015 Florence Gouthro Memorial Volunteer of the Year Recipient:

Dianne Williams has spent the last 30 years with the Trenton Block Parents Association. During that time, she has done much to help her community. She did presentations for the local schools including educating the elementary students on the Black Parents Association and how to locate a safe home if they ever needed help of any kind. She also volunteered to do the first anti-bullying program lecture in the Trenton Middle School. For 15 years, she was active as the associations’ secretary and police liaison serving as the organizations spokesperson if they had any concerns that needed police attention. Dianne volunteered with the local police bike rodeo in Trenton to make sure the children had safe helmets, reflectors, breaks and horns. Local children learned how to maneuver their bikes correctly, drive on the street safely and make sure their equipment was in good condition. For the last 5 years, Dianne has been a Member at Large with the Nova Scotia Block Parent Advisory Board. She has attended annual conventions for the association and hosted the 30 year anniversary of the Trenton Block Parents. She is also involved with crime prevention and Crime Stoppers. The community would like to thank Dianne Williams for her three decades of incredible commitment and efforts in making Trenton a safer place to live!

Congratulations to all of our AMAZING nominees this year! Thank you for everything you do for our community!

2012 Volunteer Representatives

  • 100th Anniversary Committee - Sheldon Dickie, Francis & Shirley MacMillan
  • 397 Trenton Air Cadets - Tanya Milnes & Fran Fraser
  • Albion Boxing Club - Allen Archibald
  • Communities in Bloom - Albert Sampson
  • Christ the King Parish - Jim Fraser
  • First United Church - Ross Cameron
  • Friends of Trenton Park Society - Barb Burns
  • MADD Pictou County - Sandra DeGruchy
  • New Glasgow Police Youth Troop - Cody Falcitelli
  • Royal Canadian Legion Branch 29 - Gerard James Halfyard
  • Trenton Block Parents - Judy Logan
  • Trenton Elementary School - Crystal Rankin & Amy Eisan
  • Trenton Fire Department - Michael MacDonald
  • Trenton FunFest Committee - Stephanie Grant
  • Trenton Minor Ball - John Lumsden, Lloyd McCarron & Travis Pentz
  • Trenton Minor Hockey Association - Robert Roper
  • Trenton Parks & Recreation - Francis MacMillan
  • Trenton Steeltown Friendly Group - John Falcitelli
  • VON Pictou County - Ann Ripley